
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Stretching....stretch like a pussy cat...any pussy cat you see around you? learn from it, but don't meow..

You can dance and waltz...... stretching..

What is stretching? Stretching is the activity of gradually applying tensile force to lengthen, strengthen and lubricate muscles, often performed in anticipation of physical exertion and to increase the range of motion within a joint. This is what I get from wikipedia.

A lot of people suffers from stiffness and numbness in limbs and backs or legs. Stretching is also a part of exercising that is emphasized to work its best by practising stretching at least 10 to 15 minutes a day. One can just do it easily anywhere at home or office, seated or standing. The easiest stretching is done when lying down. By lying down, any posible injuries will be minimized..

We are humans, connected with hundreds of miles of nerves, ligaments and tendons and our motors and reflexes made of elastic muscles. Due to our work, our sleep...our inactivity or sitting or standing for too long,..... we become numb, a feeling of stagnant and blocked activity that hinders our normal activity and mobility.

Stretching is also said to aid in reversing hardening of the arteries. Researchers show that prolonged stretching in the form of yoga with moderate aerobic exercise and diet control will reduce cholesterol and significantly reverse hardening of the arteries in adults with proven coronary atherosclerotic disease. So, if one has been going for your yoga classes that emphasizes stretching,, don't stop! That is a great exercise to do.

I saw many people who dares not stretch for fear of pains in the joints or any parts of the body. In the long run, their limbs or joints would be hardened, restricting many possible gestures or postures. Stretching is a must for the young and old alike. Get along with some friends to work out yawning...

S - Stretch like a cat, stretching our limbs for better flexibility
T - tilt and sit or stand or lie to a position that one seldom reach out to
R- remember not to go too far at a time,
E - enjoy regular stretching exercises
T - teach your kids to joint the fun too
C - get rid of clumsiness
H - help each other to stretch in pairs.

Stretch...........stretch...........stretch, it pays to stretch everyday towards achieving elasticity and flexibility of our limbs, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Help each other to stretch in pairs. In pairs means two by two. Try this! Face back to back with each other, entwine your hands with each other. Then try to carry him up, while you bend downwards, stretching as far as possible. Later, try it the other way round with your partner.

Or face to face, join hands and stretch and pull, swirling to balance each other....make fun, be in the fun. Yes, we will love it! We will love to do all those stretching. Remember, the harder and painful you are when stretching, the worst condition is one in. Stiffness of bones and limbs is not fatal, but it disables us of too many activities like dancing, waltzing to the heat and beat of just any songs....

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