
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

How to improve the taste of plain water [part 2]

Nutritious bean extracted milk

Beans and nuts can have their juices extracted like making soya bean milk. These beans can be blended, cooked to extract its milk and discarding its pulp. The pulp can be used for animal feeds. These milk from the beans are all full of nutrition and can perfectly replace just any soft drinks.. Bean extracted milk is an excellent source of protein, occurring naturally and easily available and reasonably cheap. Go for plant protein, a protein that don't come with cholesterols or fats.

Natural goodness


is the best source of natural goodness and considered as a complete food with almost all nutrients. Honey has high nutritious and therapeutic benefits such as removing patheogenic heat, as well as moistening, analgesic and detoxifying effects. Its therapeutic benefits depends on the purity of honey. Not all honey contains the same nutritional values. [maybe I should have one article written just on the wonders of HONEY, oh, yes, I guess I will]

Just dilute the above natural goodness with plain, clear, clean water to get a nice nutritious drink..... Don't use hot boiling water to make the drink. It might destroy some of the delicate nutrients.

Brewed soups

Brewed soups or tonics

can also be recommended for those who wants to go an extra mile. It can contains bird's nests, high quality Chinese herbs, rare delicacies, shittake mushrooms, white or red ginseng and taken in small quantities. The brewed soups depends on what they are aimed at. This is another great topic that ancient Chinese physicians claim to be able to prolong one's longevity. Not as an everyday drink, but as a tonic that can boost one's immune system, boost one's sexuality, boost one's vitality, general health and ability to counteract stress and fatigue.

It is well known and have been in practise several thousand years ago, perhaps only restricted to emperors and empresses, nobles and those in the palace. It is indeed well-known as eastern wisdom in herbs and tonics. It is delicately brewed with extreme care and time to produce a tonic so rich and delicious that only the rich can afford them.

For any soups, juices and tonics made, plain, pure and clean water is the liquid base. One can just drink water by leaving it as it is, or if one is diligent enough, brew up something of your taste or a tonic perhaps. Or water added as juicing. What a blessing all of us have....the abundance of plain water....the abundance of water all around us....the abundance of air.... .be grateful, yes, be grateful to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. We will have more than enough if we maintain the ecology, the balance of yin and yang.... for a healthier and happier winner that all of us should be!

Tuesday, 16 January, 2007

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