
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reasons to be happy...

Reasons to be happy.

When I had many deficits,

In fact, I wasn't too happy....

But thought twice, I should be happy...

If not, I won't have any time left to be happy....

So, I decided to keep calm and remain happy...

Happiness is so scarce, cherish it, be happy...

That was one good reason for me to be happy.....

When I had nothing,

In fact, I wasn't happy too...

But thought twice, Nothing cannot make me unhappy...

Since I have Nothing to be unhappy...

So, I decided to remain not unhappy....

because he who had everything was still unhappy...

Why should I who had nothing be unhappy?

One day....

When I have something...

In fact, I can be happy...

But think twice, why shouldn't I be happy?

Happiness doubles, so there is no reason to be not happy...

Something is better than nothing, so rejoice and be happy...

But some don't even have anything, yet they are happy...

And they are so much at peace of mind and heart and happy...

One day...

When I have everything...

I suppose I can be very happy...

But think twice, to have everything is nothing to be proud and happy...

When I had nothing, I wasn't unhappy...

When I have something, I wasn't unhappy...

Only when everybody has something, we be happy...

When only everybody has everything, we will be so happy...

Happiness is self-made..

Happiness is self-acquired...

Happiness is love in the making...

Happiness doubles through sharing...

So, it depends on how one looks at happiness...

So, it depends on how one attains happiness...

Only then one will experience true happiness...

Compiled by Lucy

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