
Friday, January 5, 2007

Love in the making...... at home.... [part 2]

"help...someone help me please..... aiyoooo, aiyoo..... help me up.... I can't get up.... I can't stand up..... the hoarse voice was shaking and trembling with pain...... me....." that was yesterday.....

It was as early as half past five, I was still sleeping soundly when my daughter came knocking my room and she was shouting...... Wake up! wake up! I woke up immediately! I was surprised by the urgency of her shrill voice............... "Grandmama....she fell down! She slipped!" I felt the chill that went through my body, anxiously wondering how serious the fall was.

I immediately rushed downstairs. My mother-in-law was sitting on a chair. So, she can sit, I immediately murmured a few thanks in my heart. It has been raining for some days. Everywhere was slippery and she had slipped while going out into her garden at the backyard to throw something. It was quite dark outside. My daughters were surrounding her trying to console her.

I took her pulse, checked her whole body, she was wet too, She was breathing heavily and was in agony, pointing her hand towards her back. She told me that she fell and slipped and might have hurt her backbone. I immediately had her clothes changed and ordered my daughter to make a protein drink for her. A warm drink to start off.

Allano, the lotion I used frequently for massage and treatment comes handy all the time in such cases. I comforted her and tried to ease her pain at her back. All my kids were anxious to know her situation. They have awoken early because all of them have to go to school. Grandpapa was there cooking breakfast for them. One of my daughter was helping him too. It has been their usual habit to wake up as early as that. But they sleep at seven or eight.

She was still howling with pain, yes it was very painful, I understand. I told her that it needs at least a week for the pain to disappear and she is supposed not to do any work anymore. She loves us so much that she was willing to do so many things for us. I told her that she was lucky that she is still in a whole piece with just a shocked backbone. Old aged people cannot fall. Too many things might happen. Thanks God that it was just a slight hurt.

I gave her some treatment on her affected area at the back. I have her to rest while the kids went to school. That morning, I stayed at home to look after her. From my experience, the back was not too seriously hurt. But when our loved ones[can be anyone] keeps on saying that it is very painful, it is time to give her reassurance of our love and concern. A fall might be not as serious, but if you show distaste and anger at her carelessness, I can guarantee you that your remarks and behaviour will be more hurting than the fall.

Do you know what it means? Attention please, my dear friends.......

When our loved ones are sick, or hurt or are in distress, they will show signs of lamenting or repeating that they are unwell or feeling sick. They might be not really so sick or distressed, but what they actually wanted are our love and concern. When you approach them and showered them with love, they will be emotionally and psychologically comforted. This will enhance their will to survive! They are actually fearing that you don't care or love them. They are actually attracting your attentions! When they are in need of our care, why not? It is the best time to assure them of your love and concern.

Most people felt that old people lament or talk too much and dislike them for repeating the old things over and over again. Recognize these signs, comfort them with soothing words, pamper them with care, they needed it, urgently in need of concern and care. Be generous with your praises and compliments, make them happy. When you see them happy, you will be even more happier. Believe me...

If only you care, you will be cared too. If only you love, you will be loved too. True love and care is never one-way traffic, it is a give and take, a take and give.......... True and genuine love demands love and care in return...

I was also touched by my daughters' kind deeds towards their grandparents, really I am. I noticed that the best lessons taught are to put them into such a situation that they can experience it themselves. They may be sometimes noisy, but I know that they can do their jobs well, each taking up their responsibilities to entertain their grandmama....and grandpapa.

No wonder, their grandparents love them so much. It brings forth my tears of gratitude and joy. I always hear my son and father-in-laws laughter, guess what? they are playing balloons with each other.... and my daughters... they always cuddle and surround grandmama... listening to her stories and to their stories too....... What else can I expect? This is the emotional health that all of us are looking forward to. The law of harvest, you plant care, you harvest care, you plant love, you will reap the fruits of precious love.

Read one of the articles I wrote quite sometimes ago? About children living among ....., they learn to.....

Emotional health can start from oneself and family first. If you care for 'others' only and neglect your family members, it is a shame by how you treat your own family. Just need a little adjustment, since harmony at home all starts from us, parents to show and lead by examples.

[others can mean friends, colleagues, relatives, business-partners]

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