
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Make another's smile your need.....

smile? how long have you not smiled?

Make another's smile your need,
make another's success your inspiration,
make another's prayer your service,
make another's wound your pain -
be that healing touch that melts the disease of hatred.

It is only hatred and malice that invokes the syringe of jealousy within.
Until one will pamper the "I" and ignore the true self -
until one finds within him the need only to receive,
with no urge to give -
until one refuses to behave in a human manner -
until one perceives himself to be the master that controls another -
until then, O child,
one will face the torments of bitterness, sourness,
and the spiciness of his fiery passions.

Sweetness will come, My love, - I promise!
It will come, once you are able to swallow all bitterness,
withstand all sourness, overcome all burning heat!
Find the strength to digest the pride,
dissolve the mind, and all that will remain,
will be the sweet, pure energy of God!

God is Love, Love is God

from a divine source...

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