
Monday, January 22, 2007

Positive affirmation works...

Positive self-affirmation works miracles, if only you believe that it works, believe that it really really works.....

Self-affirmation works… positively commanding our immune systems to fight and win; seriously and keen in commanding them to work well, yes, it will work wonders, our inner self healing powers to be revealed…….so easily, just as our mind commanding our hands to pick up an object and it does the work without any hesitation..

"The double lid of my eye should be balanced… hmm, it will be balanced and will look nicer, I know it will be balanced. Everyday, I look into the mirror, self affirming my other eye to balance up the double lid and I know it would happen." I have been telling myself for many years every morning when I make up myself. After a few years, my double lid of both eyes becomes so balanced and nice. My self affirmation works. It was just a wilful wish, but it came true.

From my many years of experiences in the 4 dimensions of health, I have discovered this exciting fact, which is that all of us have a self inner healing power. This short article is more on the power of mind that commands certain things to happen in a logical way. Let me put it under mind power.

I used to share with my patients and friends that we can ‘command’ our body to do many activities that we want our body to do for us. Let’s understand this. Our mind or our brain is the mastermind, the workshop of all thoughts. A thought generates, let’s say, we want to pick up a pencil from the table. We think of getting the pen. Unknowingly our mind commands our right hand to pick up the pencil and the pencil is being picked up. That’s it, simple…but..

Looking into the details, our mind does the commanding job and commands our hand to pick up the object. It is as simple as that. Talking about illness or diseases, we can also command our body immune system to do the same thing. We just need to command our fighting cells to fight those unwanted intruders. The fun of it is that it can also work out right. When someone repeats to oneself that one cannot afford to fall sick and would not want to fall sick, he or she won’t fall sick that easy too.

Modern cures and treatments have too strong an impact on us, believing that whatsoever sickness or diseases should be treated by a doctor. If the strong belief is there, we have to let the doctors do the job. Believing in doctors will be fine, because it will also fastens one’s recovery.

But on the other hand, another person who has strong positive affirmation will also do the same job. He or she will apply self inner healing to recover or be prevented at the first place.
A strong positive affirmation that one seldom falls sick is also due to one’s commanding of his body cells not to fall sick and to be active in guarding the immune system. It works, it really works.

We learn to feel healthy, learn to feel the abundance of life and learn to command our body system to do their best. To command our body system to be at their best! To command our body cells to produce and manufacture highly resistant body cells; and repair or maintain our body systems when required.

Our inner healing power is never lacking of anything but faith and belief. It works just as one command our hands to pick up an object as generated from our thoughts. Believe 100% that we can do the job on preventive measures. A strong and forceful personality who commands law and order in our body system is a requisite towards achieving total health and happiness. A strong determination to have a healthy body with a sound mind is desired to complete the job. So, why not give it a try? Start from yourself, commanding and willing our body cells and parts to stay healthy and do all the repair and maintenance, as should be installed to work every seconds and minutes. Never be suspicious or doubt our body’s capabilities and abilities in self inner healing that all of us possess….discover the natural healing process……….

For any sick people who self-affirm speedy recovery, the patient will soon be up in no time. Comparatively to a patient who lament and self-affirm a slow recovery will prolong his or her illness period. Be smart to choose, to think and to command the right messages….the right steps, for a healthier and happier you.

Learn about the law of attraction. All things happen as we wishes it, believe it or not, it is the truth. It has been here long ago, now or the days to come, in the future. It has always been there, as per one wishes. Wish your wishes come true, you will it to happen, with 100% sincerity and faith. You will get what you have always wish for, yes, believe me....

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