
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The pitcher is useful, my dears...

The pitcher, My dears, is useful,
as long as it can hold
within it the water -
as soon as the pitcher cracks,
the water will begin to seep through it,
one day, leaving the pitcher empty and hollow.

You, too, are the pitcher that holds
its purpose and importance,
until God is contained within,
but once you crack
under the pressures of the world, God,
too, will seep out being less prominent within you
and as your faith in God will trickle away, you,
My dears, will be left arid like the dry desert
that will thirst for the nectar of bliss and peace.

To contain God, My child,
you must be the vessel of sincere yearning.
It is only the one that truly looks for
God that will find Him.
God is present in those
who are aware of God -
those who have neglected God,
remain unaware of their own purpose.
The calling of true love,
God never ignore -
God's name loses its strength,
when called in vain!

God is nothing, My dears,
but the echo of the voice
that is pure and innocent -
God is the response and reward of sincere effort -
God is the worth of your penance and sacrifice -
God is the peace of contentment -
God is the love behind the selfless giver -
God is the humbleness of the unconditional receiver -
God is the one that is the humility in one's forbearance -
God is the might in each forgiveness -
God is that step that bears your weight to find faith -
God is the truth -

You are the seeker -
Without you, the search cannot begin -
Without God, the search will not end!
God, My dears, is the truth and you are the truth of God.

from a divine source

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