
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The pitcher is useful....[part 2]

As long as the search remains around you,
God will play the game of hide-n-seek.
When the search begins within,
God remains confined.
Bind God with your love,
and God will give up
all the pranks God plays upon you
and will remain devoted to you, forever.

Win God with your steadfastness,
and God will stop throwing
the ball of karma in this playground of life.
Reel God in with your endurance,
and God will never let you slip
or slide on the icy worldly delusions.
In this game, My dears,
God is the rules
and you are the player -

Play along the guidelines
and you are the winner -
God is only the trophy!
God cannot be found
in the beginning of the search.
No! First you must find faith -
then you will know truth -

First you must find pain -
then you will know of patience -
First you must find sacrifice - t
hen you will know love -
First you must find humility -
then you will find respect -
First you must find humbleness -
then you will find virtues.
First you must seek character -
then you will find good morals.

Yes! One must burn
in the heat of the fire
to realize its glowing brilliance.
Do not expect God,
My dears, to find you -
God is not the one that is lost, My child!
God is not the one that is defected with doubts.
It is your doubts that must be cleared.
It is your faith that must be aroused.

God is certain of your divinity -
you are uncertain of God's assurance of you.
God's strength lies in your will -
your will is the strength of God's hope.
Love can be experienced,
only when love is felt, within -
God, O child, can be experienced
and realized, too,
when He is felt and known, within.

God is the task -
You are the doer!
God is the inspiration -
You are the artist!
God is the love -
You are the lover!
God is the knowledge -
You are the truth! Yes!
You are the hand!
God is the grip.

Left alone, My dears,
and our purpose withers.
The birth of life bears our bond -
the final death emanates
with its mergance.
God, My dears, will await the end -
it is you, My dears,
that must bring it upon yourselves.
Your simple ending,
is God's sweet beginning.

from a divine source

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