
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Spiritual health and wealth....[part 1]

'love is light... it illumines your path and helps you reach the goal. Your journey of life will be safe and secure when you carry the light of love with you. Love is God, Live in God.... Love is the supreme power, TRUE HUMAN VALUE LIES IN SHARING AND EXPERIENCING THE SUPREME LOVE. the power of love is unmatched, when you fill your heart with love, all people will become your brothers and sisters, you will not have enemies at all........ you can conquer the whole world with the weapon of love.....'

I guess it is time that I should write about the 3 'miracles'. The 3 'miracles' happened to a lady whose real name I would not like to disclose. But these are very true and exceptionally touching and real incidents.. If there is this someone who would like to talk or interview this lady, I can arrange for it. But only if there is this real need or you want to really meet this person. A truth will be a truth, no matter how hard one can distort the fact. And at the same time, one can choose to believe or treat it as thrash........

This is specially for all those who are devoted Christians who wanted to achieve spiritual health and wealth. Because all these incidents that happened to this lady comes from total surrender and faith in Christianity's Belief. And that all deeds, all thoughts, all actions are devoted fully to God. Too many people are too 'dirtied' to see or feel the Divine. The Divine itself is so pure that any dirt that comes too close will die off by itself. It is the glory, the purity, the holiness that burns and melts all the negatives and evils.

Believe me... some people told me that they wanted to see God and only then they can believe and accept.. I told them that they can see if they wanted to... but there is something that one should be cleansed and purified first. The body, thoughts and heart must be cleansed perfectly before one can actually see God. I worry that one will die off before even reaching or stepping towards the Holiness. If you can imagine the Holiness that is brightness and light, you will fear to even think of it.

Or do you still doubt this existence of this Creator whom you call different names? Don't you feel that this Creator is whom all of us believe that He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience that He knows not what He does? Because of His Greatness and Purity that we are willing to approach Him in moving towards this path of spiritual enlightenment, towards spiritual health!

How can one use our human realities, experiences and knowledge to judge our Creator? How can one use our human brain, our perception to describe or to analyse about this Holiness? It is far beyond our knowledge, far beyond one's expectations, far beyond all intelligence to really understand this Holiness that itself is embodied into our hearts of many? These people who have understood this message, talked alike, thought alike, felt and did alike. It is that truth, that love which is a bond among these holy people..

Divine people think alike..

I am going to divide this blog into 4 parts where I will tell one miracle at a time. Let me tell you about this lady first. She was born into a poor family with 6 other siblings. She is the eldest. At the tender age of seven, she accepted Jesus into her heart. She studied in a missionary school, that was how she got to know about God. From there on, the bond between her and God mould her into a better person. She completed her studies and taught in a secondary school. Soon she married, married into another Christian family who have been.devoted in all 3 generations.

Her parents-in-laws never argued or fought each other. They were simple people with little needs of life but pious and diligent in the achieving of spiritual health and wealth. Life wasn't easy too for the lady who cloned 5 kids and the real 'kneading' of life started. Many things started to happen, many things unexpected of life. just any adversities of all sorts came nearly drowning her in her fight against temptations and errors. Name it, any challenges, she had it. All the difficulties of life that everyone feared, happened to her. But God was her Saviour, God was her shelter, God tested her strength, her spirit, her weak body, but eventually she passed the test with a 'doctorate degree.'

In her lives of turbulence, difficulties, grieves, silent tears, hidden pain, untold stress, she overcame them and stood firm. Only a few years ago that truth was revealed to her that all these happenings were preparations for her task in life. She has understood what was expected of her. I was quite clear that her difficulties lasted for at least 13 years. During her 13 years of 'test', she has proven herself worthy to accept God's blessings and grace. God 'revealed' Himself too many times to her and too many a time that it was His divine Hand which lead her and showed her the right path.

There were many small incidents when God guided her and showed her the proper ways. Because she believed, because she loved and shown in her everyday life and deeds. Not to be something proud, but just for the sake of sharing....

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