
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The first miracle.... [part 2]

Below are some scriptures taken from the Bible..

Mathew 11:6

'How happy are those who have no doubts about Me'

Mathew 21:22

'If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer'

Mark 11:24

'When you pray and ask for something, believe that you have received it and you will be given whatever you ask for'

Luke 11:26

'How happy are those who hear the Words of God and obey it!'

Corinthian 10:13

'Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong'

Miracle 1

I call them 'miracles', but to some, they are just some small happenings of no value. Never mind, to just read about it is good enough. Don't think of magic or strange powers like those one viewed from videos or anywhere. It is just a testimony of love, of truth to boost one's spiritual health. Since it is also part of my 4 dimensions of health, sharing of spiritual health and wealth is just part of it.

Let's call this lady Mary. Mary had an Indonesian maid who worked for her for at least 10 years. She was never mistreated and she was treated like a family member. Even her birthdays, she wasn't forgotten. Because of her bond with Mary, she came back to work for her 3 times, on and off. During the last time, she came through an agent,

She wasn't too smart so each time, she came to work, she came through an agent, Mary had to pay quite a sum for her. For that last time, she came with a Kuching agent. She insisted that she only wanted to work with her. Actually, Mary still owed her money. At that time, Mary was also in deep financial problem and couldn't afford to employ her. But she pleaded that she wanted to come. It was only after a month that Mary finally agreed. She even had difficulties with food amongst her children, and now there was this additional mouth. The agent money was borrowed from a Kuching relative, paying only partially [1600]... Many of Mary's debtors eyed her in a different way and thought that Mary was pretending to be financially short. Look, she still could afford to employ a maid.

Something terrible went wrong. The working permit couldn't be approved. Something was just wrong. Funny too, the Kuching agent told her that she was not responsible for her. There was double trouble. When she came after a year, the maid was again so thin and frail looking. As usual, Mary fed her and thought that within months, she would recover. After a month, the maid had not recovered but somehow was starting to cough. The cough persisted, and her body weight was still the same. She knew that there was something wrong. She was taken to see a doctor, the doctor told her to have an X-ray.

The X-ray was a shock. The maid was found to be affected with TB, tuberculosis, a very much feared disease that would spread like wild fire. It was like having a bomb in Mary's house. This early stage of TB was the most contagious and one can imagine how it would spread. It was like thunder and lightning to her family. Can one imagine her 5 kids and parents living with an infected TB carrier? Mary immediately called up the agent and informed her, but to no avail did the agent took responsibilities. She was cheated! Cheated by the agent. The agent told Mary to manage the case on her own. Of course, sensing the seriousness of her sickness, it was time that Mary herself looked after her. Can you imagine the employer looking after her maid as if she was her own child?

Triple trouble.. Mary couldn't afford to pay all the salaries owed to her to send her back. The problem dragged for another few months, with the maid in and out of the hospital and applied all possible treatments. The maid recovered but good times was never long for her. Unluckily her situation started to go downhill. That time, no pills could help, she was in a critical situation. Mary's close relative borrowed her the money for her maid to go back. That was the last time Mary saw her. Nothing was heard of her anymore. In the process of her affected sick maid, the family was lucky that no one was infected.

Just after the return of the maid, perhaps five months later, Mary started to feel something wrong with herself. The cough was not serious, but very annoying. Her loads of work, facing students and her job was distracting her and she tried many ways to solve her problem. Just then, one of her friend informed her about a wonder lady who can perform 'magic', who came from far far away. This lady was also of her age. She was then in Sibu doing her previews on teaching 'chi gong' and also performed some of her miracles especially giving treatments. She could fetch medicines out of no where and the pill would be for that specific person for that specific illness.

Mary also had a friend who was sick, thinking that she could accompany her to seek treatment, they enrolled for the class, hoping that her sickness can be cured. Mary became a good friend of this 'chi gong''s master. Let's give this chi gong's master a name 'Mdm'. Mdm previewed the first night that she was here because there was a call from her spiritual master that someone here[sibu] needs her help and that was why she came. She knew her name, she told the crowd.

Mary didn't realize that her cough was something to do with her maid. It was by coincidence that Mdm asked about it and pointed out the sickness. Mary haven't seen any doctor yet. Since Mdm could give treatments, she told her that she could help. What Mary had suspected was true, she was infected. The whole world turned dark, tears flowing down, she prayed hard. She prayed hard for guidance, for solace and for a cure. That very day she knew she was infected, she couldn't eat nor smile. But Mdm comforted her that she would help. It was just a few days' old friendship and Mary couldn't afford to pay her any money too.

So, the final night came for their course, when the time came to blessings, Mdm suddenly remembered her promise. Out of the hundreds, she disclosed the secret and called Mary up. Just in front of the crowd, Mdm stretched out her hand and 'fetch' a pill, a small yellow hard pill from space.. She asked Mary to take it back and share with one of her kids. Mary was overjoyed. Well.... she is a christian, right? And she prayed, right? Someone 'created' the pill out of empty space, right? It is a miracle to her, right?

As a christian with total faith, yet accepting that 'wonder' pill is something that any Christians cannot believe or accept. But why did Mary accept? She prayed earnestly, sincerely for help. I can tell you that this Mary is really so devoted that nothing can change her mind. I interviewed her and asked her why she accepted the help. The answer was too deep to understand..... are you interested to know?

Mary said, 'I have my heart cleanse of all untruth or suspicion, my heart is the throne that I only allow God to be seated. Different people have different faith.... and one will meet many people...or many holy people or just any photos or pictures of deities, statues or anything that people worship. Let's say, I am looking at a picture of an Indian holy man, but when approaching the picture, I closed my eyes and what I see on that picture is actually Jesus smiling at me. I am so engrossed within myself that I don't feel any differences between inside a church or inside a mosque or inside a kuil. I don't look at things with my eyes, I look at things with my heart. I won't be cheated with any external pictures or photos or statues that will lead me to stray away from my strong belief in Jesus."

Because of her faith, God appears in just any form visible to be close to her to help her out. Because of her faith, she met Mdm who had travelled from so far and appeared at the precise timing. If her friend didn't inform her, she wouldn't have met her. If Mary had not been concerned with her friend, she wouldn't have joined the class. She was selfless, she thought only of how her friend could be treated! She didn't pay Mdm a single cent! She was too poor to find any cash. 50 dollars was all she had at that time. It was indeed a miracle, a truly touching real incident. That evening, she ate the pill, on the second day, her cough decreased, on the third day, every thing was in perfect condition. Even until now, she didn't even coughed. She doubled checked, the TB just disappeared! She told me that she experienced total peace and bliss......

She experienced it herself, and not a word or sentence false. It is something difficult to understand or accept even in the fields of science or cure. I call it a miracle! No doctors can explain how it was done too. But it was done in front of hundreds of witnesses. Some might have forgotten, but some still remembered.

Sometimes adversities are just wake-up calls for all of us to be aware of this heavenly father. The main purpose is to remind us that we have strayed and gone too far away. Count our blessings, count our adversities too, because they are mostly blessings in disguise.

We prayed, we believed but cannot accept the 'help' that comes in any form. Are we expect something like golden rays or lights overwhelming with angels approaching us to help us? Will all of us believed or felt dumbstruck or won't our heavenly father heed our prayers? We prayed hard, expecting to be heard.... Yes, should we tell God who we are or what problems we are now facing? God is an all-knowing God. He is everything. If you have believed, you will gain, or asking strong is your faith and belief?

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