
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sufferings...why sufferings? Why me?

"The most precious ornaments arise from the fiercest fires"

Why me? Why happening to me? Most of us sometimes ask ourselves why of all the people that it happened to me? But rest assured, you are not alone. Suffering is the first step, though it is viewed as not fair and regarded as merciless tormenting. It tests our strength, stretches a man's tolerance to the hilt, crushing and crippling one in the process.

Suffering is just like a slap to one's face, bringing instant response to our feelings of depth. One will feel the heat, see the redness of one's cheek and be shocked to question oneself of our deeds, our duties and our presence as a human being. All wise men are touched with sufferings in one way or other, but moulding them into great models for our days.

But listen to what the Divine has to speak on suffering, of its cause and how it can serve as a catalyst to spiritual growth and a key to enlightenment. Gold to all is valuable, it shines only with the fiercest cuts of fires that reveal the shape and luster of gold.

Don't feel that it is a test, it is better put as a grace. To upgrade and mould our character and personality. To be more forbearing, more patient, more humble, more humility, more sympathetic, more wise, more understanding, more loving and caring among each other.

Who has this authority besides God to do so when most of us now are deaf to our parents' advises? Who dares? Who really cares? He who cares uses His whip to whip awareness into self inquiry, the first step towards more to come.

It pains me so much that many people do things as to their hearts desires and wills, forgetting the existence of fellow beings and even remove their parents from their house to keep them in old aged homes or old folks home. Or kick them somewhere to thier siblings' home. Where is the heart of filial? Whom do one refer to when making decisions, when doing things? So many of us are lost, lost in the need to earn more, to weld power, to gain shallow and temporary happiness, in the pretence of love and drown oneself in greed of more money.

Lost in the woods? Lost at home? Lost in one's own office? Lost in one's dream? Lost in wool gathering? Lost in the clouds? Lost in greed and ego? Lost in pride and prejudice? Lost to feel that he is the greatest, the mightest? Yes, most of us are lost!

We come in this body of us only once, yet we are lost....why isn't our Lord concerned and anxious for his lost sheeps? Life written cannot be rewritten. Once gone is gone forever. Sufferings will shake a person out of his shell of ignorance, his shell of false pretence, his shell of human, his shell of useless protection, only to realize that it is Love that jolt us to more awareness and awaken in us to who we actually are.

What is Grace?
"People are being tested, but it should not be called so, it is grace. Those who suffer have my grace. Only through suffering will they be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry. And without turning inward and making inquiry, they can never escape misery."

So, keep your tears for God, voice your worries to God, not to humans who have no control over anything. The world functions as per God's Will, we cannot alter His plans, there is discipline and control in His plans so we should continue to do our assigned duties and not give way to shallow personal desires and wants. Nothing can go against the Divine plan.

If we grasp this fully, then we can be free of confusion and trouble. God will take care of everyone. We all feel that we shoulder the burdens of our familites, No, we do not do anything. God is shouldering all our burdens. All that is required of us is to discharge our assigned duties leaving the results to God.

That is why those who understand will become close to Him and recognize the Supreme splendor. Those who have this 'nearness' treat God as their own. They come to know about His nature, qualities and greatness and are filled with bliss. Ordinary people are fearful due to their ignorance.

from divine sources

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