
Friday, January 26, 2007

Alternative health - 4 dimensions of health

You have a body, right? You too have a mind, right? You talk with emotion, right? Something just left the cold and stiff body, right?

I am a lady of strong determination, am a lady of purposeful resources, am a lady of passion in my work and responsibilities. I am also keen in achieving all the 4 levels of health. I am geared towards attaining them myself before proposing to the world. I am now in an understanding that spiritual health requires the top priority among the 4 dimensions. Believe me, the 3 levels of health cannot go beyond this level of spiritual wealth and health.

Spiritual health touch on discovering our True Self. Spiritual health touch on our origin, on who we actually are and how it is trapped by a mortal body that embodies an immortal soul, a gift from the Divine. It touches on the beginning and the end, but in actual fact, they are the same. The past, the present, the future are just description of time, to the Divine, time is just one wholeness. It emphasizes on the need to go further into self-awareness, self-realization and self-enlightenment.

It starts from revealing one's spark of the divine that all of us have. Remember what pronoun we use when calling our self? "I" is the word that all of us call ourselves. The accumulative "I" belongs to the same creed, same breed, same origin and goes the same way at the end of the day, or let me put it in a better way, at the day of our days, releasing all the "I", and then all the "I" will merge into a bigger "I", that is divinity itself. Our body serves as a purpose for us to realize and discover the True Self. God lives and gives us that spark of life.

We who knows what is love knows God. God is Love, Love is God. Where there is love, there is God. Believe me, we can love, we can love, we CAN! yes, we can, to love and to be loved. Everyone of us have this knowledge and skill of loving, even a new-born has love for his or her mother. The babies will also know automatically to nest nearer to their mums. Love creates, yes, genuine love will be the strongest force that keeps all things in order.

That is why this universe, this cosmos is set to be working in such proper order, it is because of this Divine Love that creates and make things work. The sun will shine, the days and nights will change place on its accord, the stars, the moon, how plants make their own foods through photosynthesis, how respiration dirtied our air and how the air is being purified. And understand how air and water is being recycled by Mother Nature. The animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the presence of micro-organisms, tiny and small, the bigger animals, fauna and flora, the inhabitants of this earth are all closely related.

Here is man who thought that he can achieve perfection without a model, yes, here is man who thought that he is invincible, he is the king, he is the creator, but poor things.... every living things cannot escape the clutch of death. Every nobles, just any great ones, just anyone living in this earth needs to leave all his belongings, all what he has or acquired, all his assets and return to dust. dust to dust, we call it, the eternal sleep where our body rots and leave just a heap of bones.

Won't it be too meaningless? Living in a transient world, all things unstable, changes being the most constant, and all things needs to come to an end? Have one just realize that we do possess one gift, one treasure, just this only one, our soul? Our soul needs no food, no air, no place, nothing...yes, nothing. It is eternal, it is forever living, yes, forever living. Our body which we treasured so very much will one day rot and stink.

Love is the only hope, my dear friends, love will be the only bond towards a deeper understanding of all these. Love will move mountains, will fill up the seas, yes if you love enough. Don't deny this very fact that we love to be loved. The greatest ever feelings one can feel is LOVE. Yes, it is the greatest possible positive feelings that binds the whole universe together. Don't deny, don't try to hide this great love that all of us have in our hearts. It is time to reveal, to utilize this positive emotion to gain further knowledge of how to keep oneself to be healthier and happier.

We aim to gain all 4 levels of health, towards holistic health that gives us total health and happiness. Don't be like a headless fly, which persisted in breaking the glass windows to get out even when the door is open for it. Don't be like those flies, attracted by light and end their lives in roasting themselves in open fires. Be prepared to accept that we are no better or no less than just anybody. We were once upon a time, closely related. Because of illusions and delusions, we were separated. It is time to recognize that we are indeed brothers and sisters, never to separate.

The door towards holistic health is open wide. Remain seated for a few minutes and have your eyes closed. Try to visualize the happiest moments of love that you have once experienced. Any love can do, and discover the afterglow of your feelings. You can understand better the power of love when one feels the thrills and bliss when one is in love. Well, ask yourself, why so short-lived? Why good things have to come to an abrupt end? Why?

Haha... the answer is that you yourself never wanted to spend time to be immersed in this wonderful feeling, you are too busy to learn to love and to be in love. You try to close your own doors, you yourself locked the door with unbreakable locks, made of hate, made of suspicion, made of ego, made of greed, made of pride. Who can open the door? It is you yourself, no one else can help you, yes, not anybody, but you yourself.

Get me? You yourself lock us out, it is you who don't want love to approach you, if one is so dumb as to refuse or deny this divine love, nobody can help you. Yes, nobody can.

All these are merely words written in black and white. Anyone can just ignore and treat all the above as rubbish...and go to attract more rubbish, more trash and get drown with negative emotions. Please for the sake of "I", think twice. Learn to live out the real unselfish you, that is actually also "I"..

Allow oneself to gain wisdom in attaining all 4 levels of health. Only when one understands this universal source of Divine love that one is more open towards their other health levels. Our Divine Love is just like the electric current. Once we switch on the electricity, the power will be so great that just any home appliances will work, will function because of electricity.

When electricity is cut off, no electrical appliance will work. Likewise, our body systems, our mental attitudes, our emotional balance all are geared by this invisible divine force called Love. Oh, yes, yes, my dear friends, this divine source can be compared as the electricity that flows into all those electrical appliances to make them work as they should work. Without love, nothing will work well, think about a robot, it works, but lacks of emotions, of feelings, of passion, but it is excusable, because they are mechanical robots.

Ask ourselves, are we robots? Mechanical robots? So easily replaced or so easily repaired? If you are, then there is no more stories to tell....

Get connected, get connected with electricity that comes forth unlimited, unrestricted.... with no fees charged, with no obligations, with no price, you are free to get just any electrical appliances working. The flow, the current is there...yes, always have been there. That is Divine Love, my dears....

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