
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Swallow your pride, my sweet..

Swallow your pride, My sweet -
leave it not on the tongue to dwell,
for only you will suffer its bitter taste.

You arose from My heart - I am Love -
My heart is even more lovely -
Then you, My child,
must be the sweetness of this lovely love.

Separate your self from every worry -
for worry simply needs you -
without you, its purpose withers -
it perishes,
My dears, in the pain of its isolation.

One is bound to confront the sting of inner pain,
once he has begun the cleansing process -
Impurity, My child, will not leave,
until it faces the chaos of a losing battle.

Let truth walk with you,
My child,wherever you go -
its footsteps will frighten
the thief that has come to steal your peace.

from a divine source

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