
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Chinese New Year is coming...buying drinks?

Chinese New Year is round the corner...busy choosing and buying soft drinks?

New year is just round the corner, after reading my few previous blogs, I wonder if you do have any idea to make or search for a real, healthy, nutritious and safe drink to buy. Nevertheless I know what I am doing and what I am going to buy, those drinks and foods for this festive season..

I am always worried for those who thought that New Year is a time for total celebration and eat and drink as much as one can. And sad to say that one might realize that after this auspicious festive season that starts from New Year Eve to the 15th of the lunar month, many clinics are filled with sick and suffering children waiting to be treated. These children have eaten and drank too much! Most of them are coughing terribly, with running nose and sore throats or having fever or cold.

Who am I to be so concerned? Who am I to be meddling into private affairs? I am who I am.... but I can definitely convey just this message... The children need not to be sick after New Year. A year older, should be a year wiser. A year older should be a year healthier, a year older should be a year happier. Or to many, a year older should be a year wealthier! But even if you are wealthier but not healthier, it is of no use...... Not until one lost it, only then one will treasure it, agree?

Never mind what you think, just read on, try to understand a little bit on my concept of drinking plain water or making it tastier. You can do it if you wills it. You can if you wants it. Nothing is too difficult for anyone who wants to achieve all 4 dimensions of health. To earn all the 4 levels of health, yes, to attain them for total health and happiness. To be a healthier and a happier you! my slogan... and it all begins with walking on the proper paths of health.

This is the only race for all of us to be winners! The health race, though it might be full of challenges, full of pit holes, full of tasks, all of you have to be WINNERS! WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE! yes, we definitely cannot afford to lose...and end up hospitalized and dependent on pills and medications.

What do you think I will make to replace soft drinks? There are many choices that I can do. I used to serve a special drink that I brew for special guests and friends. Here is the special recipe.

some white fungus[soaked and cleansed properly]

some red dates

some honey dates

ginseng roots


longan meats

licorice roots

ginko nuts

Have it brewed or cooked in a slow cooker, cooking enough for those expected guests. Easily diluted and served on small bowls. The guests will be so delighted to see and taste something different and nutritious. It can be sweetened with rock sugars to one's heart desire. Can be served cold or warm. There is another easy way of serving ginseng drink. This is my second choice. Have some ginseng blended into powder forms and stored in air-tight containers. Just add some powder into hot water and leave it for a minute before serving. This would be so much better than that of milo or other hot drinks. It is a health drink, a tonic whereby all my guests will be nodding their heads in agreement that they can try too at home.

I can also serve Amway's Nutrilite drinks with lemon, orange or cherry flavor. All of them are natural and without preservatives, colorings and additives, all these I am confident and sure of its nutritional values and naturalness. My 5 children are being brought up with all these drinks ever since they were born. No trace of colors found in their tongues or mouth after drinking them. Acelera cherry is bright pinkish-red, but no trace of colors or aftertaste can be found. It is not ordinary sugars, but fructose fortified. Nutrilite brands are super brands that can be trusted and reputed for its natural goodness. It also has a reputed history of over 70 years. Log in to Nutrilite if one is interested to know more.

The above are natural drinks that I have been serving and drinking all the time. Because of this opportunity in my blog, I am sharing to the whole world about natural goodness and how to choose healthy drinks. It is up to all to accept or not. But I do feel deeply that it is our responsibilities as parents to be wholly responsible for our children's health. Because all of us drink everyday. Prevention is better than cure. Be smart to choose, be smart to buy, be smart to prepare... those drinks that will pollute or aid and affect 70% of our liquids in our body...will make a great difference.

Ask yourself, how much is left in your health bank? Can you afford to destroy? Can you afford to be sick? Can one afford to lose? There are too much 'minus', too much 'deficits' that you are taking from your health bank.... and one day, it will go bankrupt, that is the time one will be resting in the hospital, either to be operated or hospitalized or given routine nasty meals of drugs, pills and medicines. Worse still, if the sickness is irreversible. Our health line will go for an acute drop. Don't wait until that time...... it is never advisable. We have to build up and invest in our health bank, we have to put in more efforts to earn proper health. Prevention is so much more smart, so much required. And be a winner in this health game, a race that all should be winners! ALL!

Tuesday, 16 January, 2007

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