
Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips on how to maintain healthy joints and bones...

Aging starts from our legs. It is not a saying well proven, but it is such a compulsory reminder to all that we must possess flexible limbs and strong legs. Our legs will support our whole body's skeletal frame and all of us depend on them very much to walk or move around.

Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy knee

[1] Know what to eat
Eat foods that contain a good source of calcium and magnesium. Eat foods that can build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Calcium is by far the most potent mineral that can keep our bones and teeth in good condition. It is also the body's primary alkalizing agent needed for balancing the functioning of all the major organ systems, including the nervous system. Every major metabolic reaction and new cell growth or tissue regeneration needs calcium. It is exceptionally alkalizing and relatively easy to assimilate. It dissolves very easily in water too.

Enough Vitamin D from sunlight will also help. Magnesium is also the key component in a wide range of alkaline enzymes that the body must produce to conduct the neutralizing of acidity in our body. Calcium and magnesium work together as the 'dynamic duo' to effectively helps in alkalizing our blood and body tissues.

All of us should learn how to prevent osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and gout. Bone is a living tissue, and like most tissue, it dies and is replaced in every 5 years. However tissue dies at a faster rate and does not have time to be fully replaced due to old age. The bone loss will lead to easy fractures. .

We too should eat enough food that provides Vitamin C that helps to cement and strengthen collagen and synovial fluid that is a lubricant and nutrient. It helps maintains our tendons, cartilage and ligaments elasticity. Read more to understand the wonder of Vitamin C as powerful antioxidants.

look out for the second tip

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