
Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips on how to maintain healthy joints and bones...continued..

[2] Know what not to eat

Don't drop 'acid bombs' into our body system. What are they? Soft drinks that are carbonated and sweetened! These drinks will instantly acidify the bloodstream to the extreme point that, an immediate emergency response from our body is needed. To counteract this acidifying situation, our body reacts swiftly by drawing huge amounts of organic calcium from our bones and teeth, thus lowering our body's reserves of calcium which are stored in them.

What happen next is that our bones and teeth will be sacrificed for that cause. Soon our body will be very much depleted of the necessary nutrients and eventually causing a corruption in our bones and teeth. White sugar...sugar... minimize or just cut off white sugar also known as white plague. Replace sugar with honey, brown sugar or unprocessed sugar or fructose or glucose, not complex sugars....

How can one expect to walk tall and straight? If we don't supply or take enough of these 'materials' for building and repairing, how can one expect to possess a good skeletal frame? Most of the aged women are bent and hunchback. Or 'stored' in homes by 'filial' sons and daughters who felt ashamed of exposing their aged and sick parents. Some even 'kicked' them out of home and send them elsewhere. When they were still babies and sick, their parents looked after them. But now that they are old and disabled and sick, where are these children?.

One day, yes one day, their children will know what to do with these parents. After all, monkey see, monkey do, people see, people do. Some of them were just so ashamed to let people know that they have handicapped, senile and useless parents at home, that is why I describe it as 'stored' at home.

to be continued..

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