
Friday, January 26, 2007

To feel be my first mentor, Professor Andrew Tiong, who taught me to be who I am now...

My first mentor, Professor Andrew Tiong.......who taught me acupuncture and life's worth, morals, character and mould me into a better person.......

Gathering all my mights, my efforts, my time, my heart and my being, I know I must save her. I must and need to save her, look at her, struggling and fighting for her breathe, but I could do just nothing.....just too stunned to do anything.... just staring and too shocked to just even lift a finger to help her. I hated myself for being so useless, so hopeless, I told myself that I couldn't possibly let my mum die. At that instant, I told myself that I must master this skill of curing. I told myself that I would at all cost.

She is my own beloved mother, fighting for her breathe...It scared me stiff, luckily I could still hear my barely audible voice telling my father to call for my teacher, who in our class did convinced me that he could give just any treatment, Mr. Andrew Tiong.

That was 25 over years ago. I was just barely 17, just into Form 6. I could still vividly recalled what happened. We rush my mother to look for my teacher who was at that time at home. Yes, we rushed her to Mr. Andrew Tiong's house. We met this wonderful mentor, even until now my family and I are still grateful and remembered his great skills, his acupuncture skills.

With just a few of those silver needles, my mother was revived from her suffocating threat, she was suffering from acute asthma and she was only thirty over years old then. I was so relieved to see my mum's situation being stabilized. I promised myself that I would acquire the skill of those silver needles, the ancient Chinese curing of sticking silver thin long needles into one's body. It works and I was so very glad.

My mum was saved, I learned a great lesson, a turning point, a priceless skill that changed my destiny, from a someone who was so carefree to a someone who treasures life, to a someone who feels the urgent need, to master a skill that can save lives. From that day onwards, I started to learn acupuncture, from my beloved mentor whom we call Professor nowadays.

Professor Andrew Tiong has so much affected our lives, influenced us in many ways, I could still feel the deep love and respect for him, grateful and ever so thankful for his generous ways, his unique ways of teaching us, imparting skills of curing using holistic approaches. He never talked on monetary gains, never talked on charges or fees for services rendered. I cannot use any other words better to describe him, just that I know that I will cling to his teachings even until now. No words or expressions can express how deep we feel for him and his family. I salute his success as a mentor, as an educator and so skillfully sculpturing us with his chisels of life, planting in us a will, a mission and vision to feel for humanity, to love and treasure life...and not wasting any precious time...

There were many classmates who studied in the same class, many students he taught, but none had the interest to follow him. I had made up my decision to follow his steps, following him as to see how he approach his patients, so patiently, so knowingly, so lovingly, so devotedly, so understandingly and so effectively, instantly giving relieves and soothing one's pain and hurt. He is a born genius, a born perfectionist, a born teacher, a philosopher, a doctor of now and a doctor of the future.

He builds, he guides, he shows, he leads by examples. He never despise the aged, the sick, the lame, the young, the poor, the outcasted, the helpless, the defeated, the depressed, the unloved; but giving, giving, always giving and moving towards improvements. If a mentor can set such living examples, who are we to complain of hard work? Who are we to discriminate? Who are we to despise others? He is one of the most caring person that I know even until now. And his love for us unlimited and to last in our memories fresh and green.

Even in our health courses that we conducted every Thursday, we couldn't refrain ourselves sometimes to talk about him, our mentor. Though we are living far apart, I know that our brain waves do reach out for each other, coincides, clicks and receiving the best information ever from one another. I could feel the greatness of his strong will and determination, as an educator who never fails to do his best.

From there, I came to understand holistic approaches, I see and feel with my heart, I learn and practice, I learn to improve oneself and to be determined to do the best job. Like I always say, I will do my best though I might not be the best! I learned to understand compassion, love, care and empathy in my practices. I climbed up a step a day, the ladder to higher dimensions of health. Only to realize that health is the only race that all of us should win.

All of us should be winners, not whiners. And I came to realize that total health and happiness should be viewed from all 4 angles of health. We came to an understanding that approaches towards just any diseases can be viewed through the 4 dimensions of health. That is one must be geared towards achieving physical health, mental health, emotional and spiritual health.

All are interrelated, a pain on the body can cause emotional stress, can evoke a negative mind with low spirit. When approaching an illness, it is best viewed at all 4 angles of health, not that we are trained to practise what we are trained to do, but to be flexible when attending to different types of illness that demand effective cures.

It doesn't matter how, which or where one learn to be a doctor or a specialist, if he or she cannot diagnosis the actual disease and give effective cures, what is left for the purpose of being a doctor? Of course, no doctors are like that. Of course, all doctors or practitioners will agree with me that the most important of all is that one should give effective cures or treatments. To lessen the patients pain and suffering, to treat and to cure are our motives and responsibilities. We should work as a team. We should be aware of alternative health cures, alternative ways as to look at the sum of it than to just look at things separate.

To sum up alternative health cures and preventive measures, all of us should be aware of the 4 dimensions of health, doctors and patients all alike, because a doctor can also be a patient one day, likewise, sometimes a patient can also be a 'doctor' too. Approach all sickness from all 4 dimensions of health, yes... it will add a smile to your face and one will feel the peace of mind and heart, getting nearer to your True Self.

This is just the beginning of many other articles to come...stay tune and look out for more...........

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