
Monday, January 1, 2007

To love and to be loved..... mission and vision for 2007

To love and to be loved

Mission: To love - to show by example of sharing and caring

Vision: To be loved - expecting readers to understand the message of sharing and caring and learn from it and apply them to yourself, your family and eventually to all brothers and sisters.

To love

I have written quite a number of articles talking about love and how it is manifested among all of us as brothers and sisters. How can we do that? Isn't this thing 'love' only for someone or our parents or those whom we are related? The answer is yes and no. Yes is that we must love whom we are caring and loving now, no is that we should learn to look at things different. We can learn to love others whom we don't know.

Ask me to love others? Impossible, they don't love me, why should I love them? I want to mind my own business, I am too busy with my 'loved ones' and no time to go beyond it. If they love me, I may consider.... haha.. this is conditional love. If you love me, then I will love you, if you don't, I won't too! There is nothing wrong with it, right?

But if you can accept the fact that we are brothers and sisters living in the same planet, Earth, try to expand this most powerful emotion, LOVE for all. What I am now talking is about divine love, genuine love which is an unconditional love. Our Lord even loves the sinners, it is true! believe me....... loving sinners and everyone. Who dare says that he or she is free of any sins? Aren't we also sinners? If God divide people in groups of saints and sinners, which category will we be? Where can God place us?

Let's look at the different loves that always give people a wrong concept. When we talk about love, many minds would be reminded of the physical act of love between males and females. Oh! this is just maybe 2% of what love might represent. What about the 98% of Love? A white blank sheet of paper dotted with a small black spot; and the rest of the paper left untouched! What can we see on this piece of paper? The answers of most people will be seeing the black dot, not the 98% of the paper which is white!

Well, it is just natural.... nothing to be alarmed... Most of us have been trained to see the black spot, not the big white space that surrounds the black spot. These people were not trained to see the white space in the paper. Let's start from here, learn to look at the white area that makes up 98% of the paper.... ok, folks... let's start today, ok? Come along.... listen and find out what this 98% of the white paper stands for, discover what the 98% of white paper has for all of us..... It is never too late...come along, find what you ought to discover...

There are many different types of love, I have collectively written them down for all to have a glance.... maybe you can add in some more...these are just some of the examples

[1] genuine love

This is divine love that radiates from the highest level of love that mankind knows and needs. It is from a divine source. It is an unconditional love for all mankind, his creations. The cup of love will be so full that it will overflow and the more you give, the more the cup will be filled up....

This is the universal language that unites. This is the grandest love of all, unfading and eternal, it has been in existence beyond any creation in space or cosmos, before time or after time......this love will create and bear the fruits of peace and happiness and encourages spiritual wealth and health that will exists forever....

Because of this love, we are 'lighted' with this powerful source of emotion, it will also 'bridge' human to divine sources to achieve peace, joy and faith. Love knows no barrier, love knows no hate, love knows no lies.... Love is flawless.

[2] parental love

Whoever you are or whatever status you are now, we are all born of a woman, the most respectful woman whom we call our mother. And raised in a family where there is this male-head, we call the father. We cannot deny this fact, we are not cloned or mass produced by any material source. We are born human and we have human parents. Respect and love is demanded and expected of us. No other love can exceed this human love from our parents. gee.... our parents call us babies no matter how old we are.... rite? In our parents eyes, we are and will be always babies for them even when one climbs up the family tree to become a grandfather! It is as commanded, love our parents.

There have been countless stories of unconditional love shared on parental love, telling us on how great and valuable this parental love is. You might not understand yet, but when you become a parent, you will taste it too. So, take some time to be with our parents, call them, serve them, obey them, heed them, love least to see them comforted and provided for till one day they be rested. By then, don't regret that you have loved less, cared less and cry over those things you have never done!

[3] siblings' love

We talk about brotherhood or sisterhood.... actually there is no such word, but to evoke in all a better memory of brotherly or sisterly relationships. Blood is thicker than water, know what I mean? Brothers and sisters are all born of the same womb of your mother. Remember these? That we grew up together, we played together, bathed together, laughed together and fought each other.... We spent many years together....

[4] spouses' love

This is a conditional love, a selfish love that doesn't or won't allow a third party. Is it good or bad? Can you imagine a someone who loves all and practises polygamy? That is not correct too. For goodness sake, think twice..... which do you prefer, monogamy or polygamy? I can predict chaos, disputes, jealousy, envy, selfishness .... if one allows multiple partners. Maybe I am conservative, maybe you are not, but to prevent is better than cure. Since this love is expressed by sex physically, don't distort sexology which should be sacred as well between husband and wife. Sex is part of our life as of food and drinks. It is a physiological and emotional need shared between loved ones.

Don't be a pervert. Be principle-centered. Ying and Yang balancing emotional acts will bond a loving couple whereby an imbalance will upset them. Lust and uncontrolled desire are negative forms of human love. To possess another person's body or mind, be it physically or mentally is something unkind. At least, love is about sharing and caring. It is our culture, our attitude towards how one looks at sex. Too much explicit and wrong concepts of sex from different medias have influenced our society and causing an alarming degrading of moral values among us. Let's pray that this negative will come to a stop. It all starts from us, as parents to set a good example.

Don't get yourself involved, be wise.... for the sake of all... for the sake that love or sex between spouses is sacred as should be, and meant to be a positive and healthy practise.... It is an attachment, sometimes a headache when there is a misunderstanding.

[5] friends' love

Friendships among friends are genuine relationships.

A friend is ever so kind and understanding,

A friend is ever so caring and considerate,

A friend is ever interested in our work, but not interrupting,

A friend is ever so concerning, be we literate or illiterate....

A friend's smile will be so enlightening..

A friend's smile will be so encouraging...

A friend's smile will be so touching....

A friend's smile will be so warming....

Whoever and wherever that friend he is...

Whatever and whichever that friend he is...

He is always concerned and looks into our needs...

Really a friend in need and a friend indeed...

He is that somebody who won't meddle up things...

He is that somebody who won't burden you with things...

He is that somebody who tells you not to worry about small things.

He is that somebody who tells you not to do bad things...

He is that somebody who wipes our sweat and says...

You need a rest...

He is that somebody who wipes our tears and says...

It is just God's test...

He is that somebody who comforts our fears and says...

Relax and stand it ...

He is that somebody who sacrifices his years and says...

It is worth it!

A friend knows when to talk and when not to...

A friend knows when to hug us and when not to...

A friend knows our weaknesses, yet never complaining...

A friend knows our heart's desires and always stimulating..

A friend knows our silent, hidden, suppressed feeling...

A friend knows our rate of heart beat and sick feeling...

A friend knows our silly habits and favorite dishes...

A friend knows our silly fantasies and wishes...

Yet never laughing at us in any way..

Yet never looking down upon us either way..

Yet never blaming us for who we are...

A true friend indeed is a blessed, rare gift from GOD!

[6] colleagues/business partners' love

[7] love for Mother Nature

[8] love for animals

[9] love for country

[10] love for oneself

I guess this is going to be a real long blog... so friends bear with me... I will be writing again soon. Be it that you are a friend who comes with a reason, or within the season or for a lifetime relationship, I will treasure you all and be a friend.....

To be loved...

What is expected of you? To be loved? How to? from me or from you? Well, don't look at me as a female or any person. A person can easily be tempted as a human, since we are made up of body and flesh, with emotions and feelings. Look behind me... the source of origin, the head source who guides my hands in the writing, in the typing of all these messages.... yes.... look beyond this.... look at love itself. Think of love itself, remember? God is Love, Love is God.

Be aware that I am just a tool, I am just a sharpened pencil, a pencil which is also getting shorter by minutes and seconds... just like you, an ordinary being. Behold...the source of origin where intelligence and knowledge comes! Look beyond, not look at me. I am just a mortal being also not perfect and a sinner too.

3 steps as to how to love and to be loved.

LEARN, DO, TEACH...........learn, do and teach......... this is the copycatting system that all can do, simple as a,b,c.... Learn, master the basic skills of how to live out as a person with characters, with morals, with faith, with sincerity, with truth... that is with LOVE! To do means practise what we learn and know, to teach is to share... and care... These are the very basic of to love and to be loved. Our world will be so much a nicer and peaceful place... 'Heaven' is any place where there is Love! So to be living in 'heaven', learn how to INSTALL & INVITE LOVE inside AND INTO this person.

Happiness is in the sharing, it all starts from you... learn to love and to be loved.. this is the basic requisite to the 4 dimensions of love..

Monday, January 01, 2007

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