
Monday, January 29, 2007

Wilful have a wand to touch and heal..

No matter how I wish for your speedy recovery, for lessened pains, for your total health and happiness, nothing can be done without your lifting a finger to just earn your health. Nothing is easy, no pain no gain. Instead of sitting in front of your television set, one can at least set aside a few hours a week to get to know and learn more on preventive health measures.

Even a magic wand is useless if you don't believe. God help those who help themselves. Get involved in this race, a race where all of us should emerge winners. We must win the race, of which all of us are capable of.

I always have in my mind that I can possess a magic wand that can cure everybody of just any sickness. I always believe that I could do so, and have this power of curing people. I hate to see people suffering from pain and inflicted with different types of sickness. Of course it is just a wilful wish, wishing that I have that power. Most of my friends laughed at me and told me that I was always day-dreaming. That was at an age of 10. I guess I was really day-dreaming.

As days passed by, the incident whereby my mum nearly died of acute asthma, I became real serious in attaining these skills. From that very instant I was inspired to master the art of healing. I was aspired to achieve without fail. When the students are ready, the teachers will certainly appear. So, I was that lucky that I met my mentor, Professor Andrew Tiong at so young a age and I really learned hard.

Learning was never easy, it took up a lot of my precious time. Everything was so new to me. And the many phrases and acupoints to memorize and I fear blood. I would easily faint anytime, anywhere when I see fresh blood oozing out from a body. But my mentor told me that if I were to rescue a person, seeing blood is just that expected.

I overcame the fear of blood in no time, diverting my fears into saving somebody. So by exerting my strong determination that I won't want my mother to repeat the same fatal, suffocating and critical asthma, I eventually mastered the skill of basic acupuncture. With that in mind, I strived to do better. I go for further studies, practising and gaining practical and valuable experiences.

I was serious to learn, keen in upgrading my skills, I was and am a good student, even until now. It was just destiny that I also met several other mentors, which I dare not expose. These mentors came from different parts of the world, choosing to pick me as their precious students. I came to learn from highly wise men, and from someone who can do unbelievable 'collecting' of herbs from space, just out from nowhere. Can you believe that?

I was and am blessed with many skills, practical skills that discipline me into a better person in all what I do. Best of all, I would also like to share with you, my friends that I have also a spiritual teacher or mentor that comes into my dreams to teach me. The highest level of health that I call is spiritual wealth or health. Divine messages come from divine sources. I was taught to be selfless, to be loving and caring, to be of service to mankind and to lead and guide when needed.

With such mission and vision at hand, I delight in sharing, I am keen in helping and is geared towards expanding all 4 levels of health. My life is my message too. From my decades of experiences gathered, I really can do well in all 4 levels of health. It is time that I tell all about how it all started. Educare is not for today only, it is aimed at educating and caring for all with no restriction of time. With this in mind, I am and will be committed to let the whole world be aware of achieving all 4 levels of health.....

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