
Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips on how to maintain healthy joints and bones...continued..

[3] Appropriate stretching or exercising

Our bones and joints should be regularly exercised to maintain a flexibility that enables us to walk and sit properly. Move over, exercising will keep our blood circulatory system working and making sure that all our body cells in just any part of our body is sufficiently supplied with all the nutrients and oxygen.

Our bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons need to be stretched. Stretching will maintain our body's .flexibility thus enabling our tendons, ligaments and cartilages to be more elastic and flexible. Moreover it will also remove unwanted fluids retended at or around joints that cause swollen and painful knees.

A good massage at our foot will also be rewarding. Reflexology at our foot is no longer anything unfamiliar. It works fine too. There is no harm in 'rub and press' to ease one's blood flow and circulation. It can actually do the detoxifying job too, especially good for those who lack of exercise.

[4] Avoid eating meats or other acidifying foods which will disturb the balance of our blood pH which should be retained at a safe level. . Most meats or fish are also very acidic in nature. Our blood streams cannot afford to be too acidic or too high with uric acids. Uric acids that crystallize and form small needle-like crystals deposited in the connective tissue will be very painful between two bones for people who suffers from gout.

It is therefore advisable to eat less meats for health reasons. Red meats all fall into this categories. It is time to remember that preventive measures work smarter. We are what we eat. Yes, we are what we feed ourselves, make sure that we look after our loved ones too. The diet we take makes a great difference to our health.

[5] Not to be overweight

An overweight body will directly crush our supporting bones of our legs. With an overweight body, our legs will suffer the most. Our legs would be wobbling with weight and be in difficulty in carrying the body. Our clumsy body will be such a task for our comparatively smaller legs by then. It is common sense too. Be aware of gravity pull that worsens the problem.

Our legs cannot easily support an overweight body, so make sure that we are not obese. If one is overweight, do something about it. An elephant looks gigantic and huge, but it has big legs to support, but we don't have legs like an elephant or dinosaurs. Be reasonable...don't ask for too much, so eat less, maintain a good weight. I need not go further to stress what goes on inside our joints. You will feel it. So, cut down on your food intake, be slim enough to look nicer and healthier, and you will be happier too.

So to sum up, it would be either one gets rich supplies of foods, fruits and vegetables that contain the necessary nutrients to maintain and keep our bones and joints in superb situation. Or go for supplements from reliable and reputable sources. It is again important that one should maintain a pH balance of our blood and body tissue.

So it is a MUST that one eats enough foods to neutralize our blood acidity that affects directly on our bones by extracting organic calcium. No one wants to walk clutching another stick for support. We can do it, yes, we can if we put in the appropriate efforts and materials for building our bones and teeth instead of destroying!

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