
Friday, February 23, 2007

Can you be a healthier and happier person?

Body and mind interdependent...

A sound mind ensures a sound body
and a sound body ensures a sound body!
The 2 are interdependent.
Similarly, health is essential for happiness
and happiness or a capacity to be happy whatever may happen,
is essential for physical health too!

and not to forget emotion and spirit!

Anger is also a major cause of ill-health,
besides being dangerous for other reasons.
It brings a long trail of camp followers,
each of whom adds its share to the final ruin....

Light is seen before the sun rises.
Similarly, if the Lord appears in our mind,
it will be indicated by selflessness, purity of thoughts,
and keen interest in the path of Truth!

With each sunset,
the span of life is being chipped away remorselessly,
but man does not prepare himself
for the eventuality of death and the aftermath...

Death is inevitable,
Are we this perishable body?
No, we are the Eternal True Self,
The body is required for realizing the True Self.

Discovering your True Self..
There is only one divine consciousness.
All the variety of names and forms one perceives,
are creations of the mind and are bound to disappear!

But you are one with the Divine,
where is the need to seek the Divine?
The Divine should be comprehended by
earnest enquiry and a profound inner experience!

My dears... all of you are sparks of the Divine...

all divine messages are from divine sources..

Health should be aimed at all 4 dimensions that includes body, mind, emotion and spirit. You might wonder why I am posting so many spiritual messages in my blog. Body, mind, emotion and spirit are all one, believe me. Spiritual quotient is the highest of all. Spiritual health and wealth is the wealth that all of us are in search of. Yes, all of us. It binds Love, manifests it all over this world, creating and keeping everything in order.

Only when one understands spiritual health, all the rest will come in just one accord nicely. Yes, God is Love, Love is God.

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