
Friday, February 23, 2007

Who is the real and true devotee?

He is a true devotee
who considers God's happiness as his own.
He always aspires to give happiness
to the Lord and does not want
to cause any inconvenience to Him.

Only the one who always
gives happiness to the Lord is a true devotee.
You should never cause inconvenience to God
in the name of devotion.

Consider that God's happiness
is your happiness and your happiness
is God's happiness. Imbibe this spirit of oneness.
"God and I are one." Today most of the devotees are selfish.

They have only devotion intended for selfish gains.
They are concerned with their own happiness and not that of God's.
You should see to it that your love is always pure.
God is the embodiment of love.
Such divine love is present in all.
Share your love with everyone.
This is what God expects from you.

from a divine source

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