
Thursday, February 8, 2007

Spirituality between husband and wife...

Make our marriage holy...

The man holds the hand of the woman for life,
and they take a solemn oath of complete union -
the union that binds both their strengths,
dissolving each of their differences
in which they lose all body consciousness with each other.

They sacrifice each of their minds
until each thought has synchronized
into one melodious compromising tune -
enwrapping their spirits into the one embrace
that results in the birth of their love -

The face of which, will always
remind them of their blessed union.
In the perfect union, the man is the provider -
the woman will only sacrifice;
the man is the protector -
the woman will only love;
the man symbolizes truth -
the woman depicts faith;
the man stands upon
the grounds of determination

The woman will reach with hope;
the man accomplishes
with the power of his strength -
the woman is complete
with the softness of her compassion;
the man believes in discipline -
the woman believe in forgiveness;
the man, My child, is the intellect -

The woman is the heart -
the pure heart, My child,
will always awaken the true intellect,
the union of which, will reach inward to find God.

Marriage is perfect,
only when one considers
the other as his own self.
Your willingness to offer forgiveness,
will surely become its radiance.
One will never compete
to win against his own self.

Know, My dears,
that in a marriage,
accepting the challenge
to compete will be its biggest loss.

Do not demean
this blessed union
by arguing and fighting,
for the pain you will inflict upon the other,
will only leave you hurt and isolated.

The bliss of union
can only be experienced
when one tries, at all times, to please -
when one swallows the pill of pride
and forgets the taste of its bitterness -
when one hopes that the other smiles
even in the midst of sorrowful tears -
when one's own protective love
for the other becomes his own security of that bond -

And when one reaches out
with all his spiritual limbs
to touch and caress the soul of his mate.
The beauty of marriage
lies when you have truly given
your self away to the other.

When one offers the God within him,
the other is bound to embrace you,
fully, receiving this precious gift.
Do not abhor each other for your weaknesses -
instead, become the strength that will,
one day, allow the weakness to make
its shameful exit.

Respect, My dears, your closeness -
do not pollute it by taking advantage
of each other's unspoken secrets.
The home will be a temple,
only when the man and the woman
find peace with each other.

Let the marriage be silent
with your sacrifices
and compromises and not
with hatred or stubbornness.
Make the other life your priority -
your duty - your love. Give,
My dears, for the mate will only
reflect all that you have given!

Your complaints of him
are nothing but your expectations -
the more that one complains -
the more he expects and
the lesser he has to give.
In whatever religion -
in whichever country,
each ceremony is performed
in the presence of God.

Let that purity
reflect in your relationship.
God is only the giver -
never the taker!
You, My dears,
are the gift of contentment
God gives to the other.

Let him experience your stability -
let him learn from your sacrifice -
let him taste your pleasantness.
One day, God promises,
that your endurance will make God's gift -
Yes! the gift of you to him - his very life!

from a divine source

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