
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

What one MUST know and do when one is over 40 yrs old...

Several things to observe..when one is over 40 years old.... 'Your immune system is, you win, you live, you lose, you die! '

[1] maintain ideal weight - cut down on carbohydrates, fats and sugars. always maintain an ideal weight, learn how to eat by steps... Know about food combination.

[2] cut down on meats, can go vegetarian for health purpose. Because all meats contain high cholesterol, uric acids, hidden fats

[3] more frequent health checks [all sicknesses can be curbed at its early stage]

[4] be committed to do some exercises, start off with 'soft' exercises, like stretching, aging starts from our leg. Learn to squat and stand and vise-visa, at the same time learning about proper breathing and how to exhale negatives, exhale stress and inhale blessings and strength

[5] keep a positive attitude - keep the law of love, [learn how to love and to be in love] law of attraction and law of life and law of harvest, be amongst a positive environment with genuine and positive friends

[6] Know about anti-aging - you will love to know how one's body ages. This is a must to know. Know about the miracle foods that keeps one as young and as beautiful as one deserves.

[7] Boost immune system - one is always fighting against bacteria, germs, virus.. you win, you live, you lose, you die

[8] Go for detox program - once in two or three months, do a detoxification. One can do a semi-fast with drinking only juices or eating only raw fruits and vegetables for a period of 7 days

[9] Tune to look into spiritual wealth and health - meditation is recommended [get to know this interesting fact, our immortal soul, the 'True Self' is embedded inside our mortal body... and it lives forever...]

[10] Next step - watch out for the menopause when one is going into the fifties....this is another great topic to write... aging gracefully to be exact. Under the 'repair system', one should move on to 'dare one to live 100!'

This is just a very brief introduction. If you are interested, do your homework, go and look out for details about the above tips........ Be geared towards being a healthier and happier person!

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