
Friday, February 23, 2007

Today's newspaper becomes tomorrow's waste paper..

What is the purpose of life?
Is it to be born again and again?


Today's newspaper
becomes tomorrow's waste paper.
Once you have finished reading a newspaper,
you do not like to read it again and again.
Similarly, you have been given this birth,
and you have gone through
varied experiences of pleasure and pain.

You should pray,
"Oh God!
You have given me this life
and I have gone through
all the experiences of pleasure and pain.
I do not want to have another birth."
That's why a spiritual aspirant prayed

"Oh Lord!
I am caught up in this
never-ending cycle of birth and death.
Time and again,
I am experiencing the agony
of staying in the mother's womb.
It is very difficult to cross this ocean of worldly life.
Please take me across this tumultuous ocean and grant me liberation."

from a divine source

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