
Friday, March 2, 2007

8 Bold Reasons Why Women must not Cheat their Husbands too!

8 Bold Reasons Why Women must not Cheat their Husbands too! If you want a healthier and happier marriage, read through............

Not 7, but 8! Cheating can happen to both parties, so to be fair, I am writing on behalf of all men and women who wants to know why women must not cheat their husbands. I describe it as Bold because I am also taking the risks to write on such sensitive issues. Don't ask me; 'Who are you to say so?' "Mind your own business!' I plead that one be reasonable to look into this article as a review. And that this article also serves as a reminder to me too.

Before anyone can take the first stone to stone the adulteress to death, make sure that he or she herself is not one! Only he who hasn't committed the sin can rightfully take up the first stone. But God is always forgiving, to err is human, to forgive divine. What will be more meaningful than to give someone another chance?

There is a great need to give stale marriages some polish and shine. Marriages become dull and hopeless because of the minimal efforts one put in. A healthy and happy marriage is not built on one side only. I have heard of many breakups that seemed to be 'one sided' and the blames were never justified.

[1] Marriage should be keep holy and sacred

A woman must learn to respect her body and self before she can earn people's respect. If a woman doesn't respect herself, she will also lose respect from children, friends, her husband and relatives. How can a 'loose woman' earn respect? That is ridiculous.

To be living in disgrace and condemned is not the 'lifestyle' that we seek. Human relationship between different sexes is sometimes extremely complicated. But as the mother of the family, as a wife to a husband, she should hold on to her dignity and stay detached. There is always a border line where woman should not cross.

[2] Make your man feels proud to have you at his side

A woman who remains chaste, unsullied and loyal to a husband is a rare jewel well loved and revered in the family. Let your man be proud of you. You will be valued and treated with great respect.

Cheating for woman should be genuinely ruled out. A wife should have pure thoughts and be loving and caring her family while her husband tills the farm. Her husband in his work will be rested assure that his family is well taken of. Give your husband peace of mind. A disturbed husband will not do well in his job. Rid off suspicions and false alarms.

[3] A mother should set good examples.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. The mother who takes time to look after their children has the most influencing power over their children. If we want to bring up quality children in a loving family, the mother should not betray the trust of their kids and husband.

She should set good examples and influence her children to lead a normal life. A woman of bad morals have lost her authority over her children and will be bad influence herself. 'Problem children are influenced and caused by problem parents'. Be aware of such serious mistakes. If you love your family, STOP cheating!

[4] Beware of herpes, HIV, AIDS

Having multiple sex partners will eventually lead to painful genital herpes and Aids. Herpes is slow suffering and a disgraceful sickness while Aids kills. Too many people are not aware of the potent sting of committing adultery that brings tearful and fearful results. Playing with fire will eventually burn and many victims will be scorched. Think twice before you cheat!

[5] Beware of Raw Anger of some husbands, they will murder....

I know of a husband who trusted and loved his wife so much that the instant he knew of her extramarital affair, he took a knife and killed her and their children and eventually committed suicide himself.

Love is no game to fool around nor something to play with. Selfish love comes with abuse and raw anger that sometimes are extremely devastating and fatal. Be clear of such rumours that might hurt a family.

[6] You create divorces and breakups

You won't want to have someone coming close to you and give you a slap on your face and be called a 'whore' when unaware doing your shopping, would you? Distressed wives do go to an extreme in hurting and harming these mistresses or whom they called 'bitch or whore'! There were many cases too of such outraged and berefted wives who battered the mistress to semi-consciousness or poured hot acids on their face.

Prevention is better than cure. You won't want to be pointed at to be the one to break up a marriage? Not only breaking your own family, but breaking up another happy marriage. Will your conscience be pure and undisturbed then? How can a woman survive with guilt eating up her conscience? Think twice!

[7] Abortion is Painful and Hateful..

Uncontrolled cheating on one's partner will also lead to unwanted pregnancies and secret abortions would be the result. Think twice, nothing is more valuable than a human life. Unwanted abortions have been on a rise and unknowingly women have suffered many unknown illnesses due to complicated abortion done behind the streets.

Life is not worth to be meddled and doing things without morals. One should not go over the edge as to seek sensual pleasure outside home or seek sweet revenge. True love is long-suffering, patient and full of forbearance in the awakening of the other's love. Bear with proper and sound discipline as a woman of dignity and taste. A woman's personality will either save or destroy her!.

[8] You will live to regret!

A woman who has lost her dignity has also lost her reputation as a good woman. It is of utmost importance that woman should stand tall and proud and not to be persuaded to commit adultery. There is this commandment from the bible on 'Do not commit adultery', right?

Of course, I am in no position to advise just anyone to be true to their husbands, but then I know of women who regretted and lived miserably from what she had done. There is no use crying over spilt milk.

If a woman wants to be cheap, she will live a cheap life. If a woman stands firm on her foot and says 'No!' to extramarital affairs, she is a rare jewel. A rare jewel that earns respect, earns trust, earns love and indeed a blessing to the family. Say "NO" to extramarital affairs.... it pays...

My dear friends, reach towards achieving a healthier and a happier marriage! You lose nothing!

These 8 good reasons will be good enough for you to be a healthier and happier spouse!

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