
Saturday, March 3, 2007

Thus the Lord speaks...

On the land that belongs to you,
you can grow the food you need
or you can sit idle and allow it to lie fallow.
You are the cause of your ruin or uplift.

The tools are in your hands;
you can learn the skills;
you can break the shackles and escape,
but if you grovel in slavery and bondage,
who can save you?

Do not blame Fate
for your condition.
The writing has been done by yourself.
You fail or pass,
and you are detained or promoted,
on the basis of your performance
in the previous class, is it not?

So also, the status
in the present life is decided
on the basis of the activities in previous life.
When the Headmaster gives
a character certificate
on the basis of which you apply for a job,
he frames the sentences with reference
to your conduct in the past
when you were in previous classes.

You are responsible for the nature of the certificate.
If your conduct was good, you get a good certificate and a good job;
if it had been bad, you get a bad one and a poor job.
It is you who write; it is you who wipe the writing on the head,
or "destiny".

The lord responds not merely
to the sweet voiced cuckoo and its song,
He gives ear to the warbles of other birds too.

He gives ear to the wailings of every being.
In fact suffering entitles you more to the Grace of the Lord.

When sufferings come in waves,
one behind the other,
be glad that the shores is near.
Bear them bravely,
do not be like cowards,
who throw the blame
on some outside power
or develop dislike for the lord.

“The most precious ornaments arise from the fiercest of fires.”

from a divine source

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