
Friday, March 2, 2007

HOLD tight to the cords of selfless love....

Rise, My child,
hold tight to the cords
of selfless love and reach
that level of purity in which
one can discriminate and choose God,
without the struggle of a single thought.

Know that the intent will stay pure,
if one leaves his desires behind.
Desire is like the broker that
asks its price in advance,
promises a reward,
yet guarantees nothing.

God shares Himself equally amongst all -
hence, none has more - none has less.
To each one, God gives the same start -
each one finds the only one end -
hence none are ahead and none behind.

Failures are part
of the tests in the spiritual journey.
Recognize them,
accept them with grace,
but do not let its pain
become the barrier to take the very next test.

Sometimes, the failure,
My child, is the answer
to the next challenge
that awaits to face you.
Learn to fall with the least injury -
then learn to save yourselves.

Learn to bear
the sudden impact of an attack -
then learn to defend.
Yes! First learn to face your fears,
then learn to attack it.
Once you have learned the strategy to attack,
you will also learn and earn the wisdom to conquer it.

from a divine source

From the wisdom one learn and earn, you will indeed be a healthier and happier person!

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