
Friday, March 2, 2007

Stand with faith, walk with patience and be held in the arms of a miracle yourself!

Do not yearn for miracles,
for miracles are only the eye openers -
but faith are the eyes -
love is the vision,
purity is the color
and God is the picture.

The biggest miracle,
My child, is the perfection
in the beauty that life holds within each one.
The one that sees the truth in this reality
and experiences the fullness of its perfection,
such a one, will seek no proof - such a one,
will see nothing as extraordinary nor small -
for he has come into the arms of wisdom -
he basks in the light of true knowledge.

Yes! The simple fact or truth in
which he is with his own self, always -
the world to him is the mirror
of his own strengths and weaknesses.
He has no one to praise -
he finds no one to blame.

Even though he is alone -
he is still a part of the whole.
He chooses to walk on the fires of penance.
Patience, love and sacrifice are his tools to learn -
he learns only to teach and teaches
only that which he does and speaks -
and with this inner strength, he, one day,
boldly crosses the borders of death -
to find the miracle of life that continues -

Yes! Even after the finale of death,
it moves on to a higher plane,
where one does not come and does not go -
He stays! He becomes! He simply is simply him!
That is why God says, do not seek miracles,
for it will not show itself, now -
at the end of the journey,
awaits the true miracle!

Stand with faith -
walk with patience,
and God assures you that
you will be held in the arms of a miracle, sooner or later.

from a divine source

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