
Thursday, March 29, 2007

If one lives only to fulfill his own desires, one will find it very difficult to find the pure love of God...

Give up all your selfishness,
and devotion is bound to arise.
The one that lives to fulfill his own desires,
will find it very difficult to find the pure love for the Supreme Mother.

The struggle is not
in developing pure love,
but it is in giving up that
which hinders the spontaneous flow of love
that you have brought with you, in you - in this world!

Faith, too, is not difficult to develop.
Faith is nothing but the expression of unshakable love.
Love is your nature, it is the purpose with which you come -
it is your only expression - hence, know,

My child, that in reality,
there is nothing to find -
nothing to develop - nothing to learn -
It is all you! See yourself! Realize your self!
And you will experience it all! The self realized soul,
My dear, can only explain God in so many words.
Even language becomes the barrier towards the end.
God cannot be explained - He can only be experienced.
God cannot be proven by the one that experiences Him.

The only proof that he can give
the deluded man is that of his peace,
his contentment and his stability.
Beyond that, one is helpless -
for one's own vision of Gods stays with himself.
Each one will experience the light in his own home -
each one will rejoice, alone - and each one will tell a separate story of God's glory!

from a divine source

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