
Friday, March 30, 2007

There's always a reason.....

There's a reason for everything occurring in your life,
for the tears, the sorrow, the pain, and the strife.

A reason that isn't always revealed to you and me,
but that God knows and cares is an absolute reality.

There's a reason the road isn't always smooth and straight,
a reason about which there's no debate.

The stumbling blocks will become stepping stones through faith,
if we but trust in God learning to wait.

The curves will reveal Blessings we couldn't see,
things more awesome than we dreamed would ever be.

Perhaps there are things we ask God to take;
in His great wisdom He knows that would be a mistake.

Sometimes His "No" is a Blessing in disguise,
because there is good in what we don't see or realize.

There'll be days when we feel all soul alone;
these are the days when our greatest faith must be shown.

We must learn to walk by faith not by what we feel or see,
remembering He is with us constantly.

We must remember that even when no one else understands,
God is forever busy shaping us in His hands.

One day soon we'll each be called Home to stay,
we want to "Well Done" to be the words we hear God say.

Each of us will have days that seem out of season,
we must remember if God allows it there's a reason.

from a divine source

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