
Monday, March 5, 2007

A very touching story of a 'Mother in the Making....'

A very long time ago, before God invented the dictionary of words, he sat down and started to create the first human beings. In no time, He had produced the doctor, the moderator, the builder, the cake seller, the beautician and many, many others. Last, He set out to make the Mother.

An angel, who was watching God at work, asked:

“Why do you keep the mother last on the list, she should be the first?”

God answered “It’s not going to be an easy task. For the mother, I have to make more than one pair of hands.”

“Why?” asked the curious angel.

“She needs many pairs of hands as she will have to roll the pancake, check the temperature of the kid who is down with fever, put the dirty linen in the washing machine, answer that phone call and check her email to know how her eldest beta is doing abroad and all at the same time!”


“That’s not all! She will need a few pairs of legs too, to rush to school to drop the kid, to take the other one to the dentist, to rush to the market, to collect that parcel from the post-office and all at the same time!”

“She must also have an extra pair of eyes in her back to watch the kids when they are in their room and see that the rice is not over done whilst she is peeling the potatoes. Her lap must be larger than the average to cradle more than one at a time” continued God “her voice must be hard enough to scold and sweet enough to console.”

“That’s all?” the angel wanted to know.

“She must not only be an example of virtue but she must also be a forger to do the home work of the child who is falling asleep.”

“She is hard to the touch!” said the angel.

“But soft inside!” answered God.

“O! O! God! There is a defect in your manufacture” remarked the angel “look here, there is a leak - water is running down the cheeks.”

“The tears! Of course! This is how the mother expresses her joy, her grief, her relief, her disappointment, her happiness, her sorrow and all her innermost feelings. But mind you, I did not make the tears. No! No! Non! She made the tears herself.”

from a divine source...

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