
Monday, March 5, 2007

Your mother, don't forget her....

If you want your mum to be a healthier and happier person, call your mum... You yourself will be healthier and happier. Love will cure...

You too have a mother, right? After reading the touching story of a 'Mother in the Making', what are you going to do now? Here are some suggestions that you can do.... No matter at what age you are now, your mum will be forever your mum... She still calls you 'my dear...'

[1] how long have you not call your mum to ask her well-being?

[2] how long have you not heard your mum's laughter?

[3] how long have you not bought anything for your mum?

[4] how long have you not seen her?

[5] how long have you not held her wrinkled hands?

[6] how long have you not embraced her?

[7] how long have you not fed her from her hands? She did that when you were young, now is your time to repay her.....

[8] how long have you not cooked for her? She did cook for you when you were young, now is your turn to cook for her...

[9] how long have you not comforted her? She soothed your fears when you were young, now is your turn to sooth comfort her...

[10] how long have you not tell her you love her? She loved you so much when you were so young and naive, now is your turn to love her...

Call her NOW! And talk to her... no matter what she says, your call will bring her tears of joy... Be it that little bit, your concern will make her healthier and happier! Be the one to light up her smiles! Love cannot wait!

And to those husbands, treasure your wives.... who have helped you mother so many kids....
Don't wait until all are too late!

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