
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Broccoli and cancer risk..

A compound found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts appears to be more effective than modern antibiotics against the bacteria which causes peptic ulcers. Moreover, tests in mice show that the compound offers tremendous protection against stomach cancer - the second most common form of cancer in the world.

Sulforaphane - a substance produced by the body from a compound in broccoli - could trigger the production of phase II enzymes. Phase II enzymes can detoxify cancer-causing chemicals and are among the most potent anti-cancer compounds known to man. It should be noted that broccoli sprouts have shown to be every bit as beneficial as full grown brocoli.

A different study showed that consumption of broccoli was strongly associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease death in postmenopausal women.

In yet another stydy conducted jointly with US and Chinese researchers, it was found that chemicals present in broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, and other cruciferous vegetables may protect against lung cancer. Researchers studied more than 18,000 men. They recorded 259 cases of lung cancer during the study's follow-up period. The researchers found that the men with detectable amounts of a substance known as 'isothiocyanates' in their bodies had a 36% lower risk of developing lung cancer over a 10-year period.

Isothiocyanates are found in broccoli and other so called 'cruciferous' vegetables.

You like these greens? Oh, my kids and me love it very much.... munchy and crisp when cooked just nice.... Well.... brocoli concentrates are found in Double X!

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