
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Peace of mind, peace at heart.....

Peace is not merely
the state of the mind
in which it remains calm -
No! My child,
that is only a state of relaxation.

Peace is that in which one finds
synchrony between the mind,
the heart, the functions of the body,
the purity of one's conscience,
the stability of one's intellect
and with the force of the energy
that brings one to experience one's own life, existence and being.

When each of these move
like the wheels of the same vehicle,
in the same direction, with the same speed
and with complete cooperation, only then,
will one experience the state in which
there is no inner conflict, only then,
will one feel the complete confidence
in one's own strength to be far mightier
than any external threat, only then,
will one experience the ultimate realization
in which he will see that the truth is not ever
before him or around him - he is the truth -
the only truth, and that reality of truth
can break every barrier that breaks
his journey to reach his own state of Godhood.

from a divine source..

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