
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Local fruits and vegetables, not to miss out...

Let's be aware too that all fruits and vegetables over the globe are recommended as healthy foods. I have touched on a lot of imported foods recently, but some local fruits and vegetables should not be missed too.

I am an Asian living in an equatorial climate thus we too are also enjoying our local fruits. Our local fruits range from the king of the fruits[durians] to the queen of fruits[mangosteen]. We have pineapples the whole year round, we have guava, starfruits, longans, pomelos, green citrus like mandarin oranges, langsat, black olives, bananas, mangoes, rambutans, lychees, dragon fruits, jackfruits, cempedak, papayas soursop, passion fruit,watermelons, melons and many other local ones.

Other vegetables include long beans, white cabbage, brinjals, bitter gourd, cucumber, taro, white radish, chayote, ketola, ladies fingers, chillies, bamboo shoots, local spinach, water spinach, corn, ferns, mushrooms, spring onions, chinese kale, mustard green, local celery, guords, leeks, sprouts and many others.

Don't miss out all these wonderful foods... buy them local for its freshness...

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