
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Eat to live, not live to eat! 'Not too much, but not lacking!'

Not too much, but not lacking!
Not too over, but just enough!
Not in excess, but just in need!
Eat moderately, eat sparingly but not missing out even a single goodness!
That should be the meaning.... to be able to obtain all types of nutrients from different classes of foods. Our base of normal food for modern folks should be more on fruits and vegetables...........

Let's be aware that 'Not too much, but not lacking' applies to all foods and drinks. Too much of just any good food is not good too. Let me explain, water is exceptionally important to us, but over drinking of water will kill too. I can still remember stories of my childhood when the Japanese forced their captives to drink water until they drown in them.

Thus all of us who are health-conscious should be aware of this simple phrase. "Eat to live, not live to eat!' It is meaningful enough to tell us that we take food and fluids for the sake of surviving healthy instead of surviving for the sake of eating.

We care enough to spare time to boost and maintain our health. Understand the 'tao' of eating. It means the skill of eating right! For a healthier and happier you and family!

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