
Friday, May 18, 2007

Be enthusiastic, not only at the time the work is undertaken, but one must be motivated and inspired to complete his spiritual journey..

Be enthusiastic,
not only at the time the work is undertaken,
but one must find the motivation and inspiration
to stand erect throughout the struggle in his spiritual journey.

Know, My child,
that inspiration to love
the holy work is self created.

Do not, ever,
depend upon an outer source
to elevate your spirits, or else,
you will face the ups and downs of elation and depressions -

Have complete faith
in the purity of the self
and it will be the Master Inspirer.

Peace will come,
only when one realizes
that the self within is self-sufficient.

It is only dependence
that makes one a victim of fears,
attachments, and makes one less confident.

Rely only upon the inner strength -
the inner wisdom - the inner will,
and you will complete the journey with much more ease.

from a divine source

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