
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Worry today and you will be unprepared for tomorrow!

Worry, today, and you will be
unprepared for tomorrow.

Most live their lives
in the "fear of doing"
and hence, lose the conception
of the value that time holds.

One loses time in
imaginations and suppositions,
and in this state of complete hysteria,
the reality of life, itself, passes them by.

Little do they realize,
that the golden opportunity
is simply what one makes time to be.

Do not wait endlessly
for life to make the turning point.

Realize, My child,
that you are the traveler -
it is you that chooses the road and direction -
it is you that must make the effort
and the necessary arrangements for a smooth journey -
it is you that must remember your chosen, final destination.

Life is simply the road
that allows you to tread your feet
upon itself and accepts the burden
of the worldly luggage that you choose to carry.

Hence, you, My sweet,
are the artist that makes his inspiration
express as the true masterpiece!

life becomes the masterpiece,
when your self becomes the eternal guide and its loving Master.

Be disciplined, and express
only the nature of the true self within you,
and life will project the image of the inner beauty!

Read the above several times and try to understand what the message holds... from a divine source

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