
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A calm and peaceful mind is the mirror of a pure heart.

A calm and peaceful mind
is the mirror of a pure heart.
Bad thoughts do not arise, spontaneously -
they come, when one constantly
indulges in the uncontrolled flow
of his passions and desires.

Hence, never, ever,
blame the time nor
the circumstances for your harsh behavior.

Such a response comes,
only when one has already dwelt,
nurtured and been nourished by
the poisons of one's own weak character.

Hatred has made man
behave like a savage beast
that has been left loose to devour the fearful,
the feeble and the meek!

Such horrifying freedom
has made one bound to the misery
of his own unrestrained and undirected acts.

Blinded by this ignorance,
he is unable to see that the faults
and the weaknesses are only in him!

In his very thoughts!
In his every expression!
And in his every way of possessive love!

from a divine source

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