
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Overcome hatred for another by learning to love and respect his own self!

To overcome hatred for another,
one has to learn to love and respect his own self!

The dislike is an expression
of one's own lack of inner fulfillment.
Hence, realize, My child,
that contentment comes,
when one is eternally grateful
for whatever he has and for whatever comes his way.

Do not expect ideal behavior from another.
Such expectation comes from the most imperfect being!

A person that truly lives
by the pure and high ideals of the self
will only look at his own effort to bring
unity in any task or duty!

Resist, at all times,
the need to argue -
to fight - to criticize -
and bring within the inner home the bliss of silence!

Do not worry if the love
in the relationship is mutual.

That, itself, brings the basket of worries and undue fears!

from a divine source

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