
Monday, May 7, 2007

How does meditation help one's body, mind and soul?

How does meditation help one’s body, mind and soul?

Meditation brings rest to your body.
Most diseases are psychosomatic.

When a child wants to avoid the exams he can simulate a fever.

When you say
you are tired you become tired.
The reverse is also true.
When you say I am doing fine,
everything is allright with me –
then the power of your mind will heal you.

This is possible only if you
have learnt meditation.
The breath is the wall between the body and mind.
The breath brings harmony between the body and mind.

When your mind is wandering the best
way to calm it down is through breath control.
By breathing in a particular way the
mind becomes quiet.

In the heat of your anger,
if you take a couple of deep breaths,
the anger will go away.

When you blow the breath out,
you breathe out anger too.

This is true with
all negative emotions
such as lust and greed.

Meditation benefits not
only yourself, but also those around you.

Meditation creates
a new society with people
who are creative and productive.

from a divine source

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