
Monday, May 7, 2007

The mind that is unsupervised can bring unimaginable destruction..

The mind that is unsupervised
can bring unimaginable destruction.
Hence, the intellect, like the filter,
must scrutinize and eliminate every impure thought
that attempts to make its home in you.

Remember, a bad thought cannot enter,
until it has slowly conditioned you to its weak state.

There is no way
a bad thought can be spontaneous,
for your true nature is only good - only pure.

Hence, it first taints you
with the seed of bad feelings.

It distorts your inner vision,
breaking the bliss of the meditative silence
and forces you to look outward.

Once the focus is removed,
the mind loses its direction - its contentment.

Then, with the
deceitful disguise
of a loving mother,
it reaches to enwrap
the confusion of the mind with its evil intent.

In such a weak state,
the impure thought makes
its way with the pretense of innocence,
and lodges itself, letting the owner believe t
hat its presence is truly his only weapon and security, now!

from a divine source

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