
Thursday, October 11, 2007

A knife can be used for cutting food or another's throat. How a knife is used depends on the human using it. Rid off EGO!

What is ego in everyday life context,
what is egoism that everyone would overcome?

The ego is nevertheless a vital aspect of
conscious awareness and can therefore
never be destroyed but tamed and
put into control of intellect and conscience.

All things in the world should be used properly.
A knife can be used for
cutting vegetables or another's throat.
How a knife is used depends on the human using it.

The ego is frequently responsible
for considerable misery and suffering,
and a lack of peace and harmony generally.

The ego in everyday life is responsible
for many other negative human traits,
below are several of them.

1. Being critical and judgmental of others,
2. being rigid and inflexible,
3. being manipulative,
4. need to feel superior,
5. feeling anxious and fearful,
6. mood swings, taking everything too personally and too seriously,
7. constant need for approval and praise,
8. feeling hurried and driven to do things, competing rather than cooperating,
9. feeling resentful and guilty,
10. unable to live in the present moment,
11. addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other Mind altering substances,
12. overly concerned with personal appearance,
13. overly concerned with success,
14. feeling insecure,
15. constant worry over trivialities,
16. clinging to the past,
17. feelings of despair and hopelessness, feeling life is meaningless,
18. the need for power over others, etc.

Typical signs the ego is when people
blame others for everything that goes wrong in their own lives.
The ego also revels in the illusion of always being busy.
Such people consider themselves very busy,
unfortunately without any significant results.

The ego often revels in disaster,
particularly when it happens to people who are not liked.

People often like revel in the misfortunes
of others on whatever scale the misfortune occurs.
Most people find it is much easierto revel in the misfortune of others
than to share in their happiness.

The ego can, and profoundlywill hold people back both in everyday life
and in personal evolution and progression on the path.
Until the ego is tamedand its influence transcended,
peace, and harmony cannot be achieved and maintained.

The ego causes an illusory focus
on those aspects of the physical world
that are really not at all important for peace,
harmony and happiness, and most importantly
for enduring and true evolution and progression.

The ego constantly strives to be always right,
always superior, never wrong, and never inferior
and likes to make comparisons, particularly
with other people as a function of living in the material world.

The other side of the ego is in feeling worse
or inferior by comparison with others.
There is no difference
between this side of the ego
and the one suffering from delusions of grandeur.

Ill-digested learning results
in the diseases of egoism and pride
when one could not enjoy peace or bliss
because one did not practice in the right way what he had learnt.

from a divine source

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