
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Joy is a deceptive trap, grief is the real preceptor, teaching caution, circumspection, discrimination, detachment, awareness & vigilance..

Joy is a deceptive trap; grief is the real preceptor,
teaching caution, circumspection, discrimination,
detachment, awareness and vigilance.

Death is not the merciless foe
he is made out to be; he is the friend and companion,
the teacher, the kindly kinsman who takes you
into his fold and clothes you with the halo of remembrance.

The heart of man has to be toughened,
not hardened; it has to be made soft, not slithery.
This can be achieved only by the blows of loss, grief and distress.

It is God's way of shaping us,
in the Divine mould.Do not ask of life
only joy and happiness, but take cheerfully all that comes to you.

You cannot insist that the doctor give you only sweet medicine.
Have the hardihood to bear sorrow as resignedly as you bear joy.

Remember that death is inescapable,
that life is but an interlude, that the world is but a caravanserai,
and you will get the strength to pass through the pilgrimage of this birth.

from a divine source

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