
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Love is selflessness, self is lovelessness, love, not lust is the happy ways of life..

Nowadays, nobody knows the true meaning of Love.
Every body takes it to be worldly.


Love is Divine and is in no way connected
to lust or such inferior infatuations.

Love is Selflessness. Self is lovelessness.

Love, not lust is the happy ways of life.
We falsely assume that parental love,
children's affection and the bond towards one's wife is true love.


These are all ephemeral.

This can never be equated to the Love of God.
In one way, love towards God can be termed Bakthi.

In this also there are two varieties.
The best is "Ananya Bakthi".
Without bothering about anything in this world,
without aspiring for anything,
we should love God wholeheartedly.

God loves All equally without any differentiation.

We should develop such love towards all.

from a divine source

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