
Thursday, October 11, 2007

We are being put into various situations by God, to show one incongruities of our subconscious mind. We are never aware of our shortcomings..

We are being put into various situations by God.
It is to show you the incongruities of your sub conscious mind.
We are never aware of our shortcomings.
Only during trying circumstances,
our instabilities comes to the forefront.
We have our own self esteem.

We feel that we are fair to others
and it is they who find fault with you.
Reality is otherwise.

We are a mixture of good and bad.

But we are aware of the good in us
and pride ourselves about the same.
Only the man opposite,
can truely point out the lapses in our character.

We should never get angry with such people.
We should thank them for their help.
We should try to correct our faults very seriously.
When others points outour mistakes
we should not retaliate.

Rather we should thank them saying,
"Brother, I am thankful to you for pointing out the flaws in me.
I will surely aim at correcting it.

Do not give way to ego.
Be humble and selfless.
Think that all are good.

Only due to faulty vision,
we see mistakes in others
but those mistakes are verily in us.
Hence never find fault
or never hurt others even by your thoughts.

from a divine source

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