
Thursday, October 25, 2007

The result of increasing purity of consciousness is the causal body which is led towards realization...

The second hand in the watch
moves fast round and round;
when it completes one full round,
the minute hand moves just a little.

It's movement is not so perceptible.
When the minute hand has completed
one round in its own slow manner,
you find that the hour hand has
moved towards the next number.

The second hand is the symbol of action;
through action done by the gross body,
the various good works it engages itself in,
the subtle body or inner consciousness
progresses a little and moves forward.

The result of increasing purity of
consciousness is the causal body
which is led towards realization.

It is enough if the second hand moves;
the rest follows, in proper order.

from a divine source

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