
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thus we are labeled as 'miserable little prison individuality'...

We have now the latest electronic gadgets
for instant communication.
We have all things money can purchase.
We may be affluent. But are we really happy?

There may be a temporary period
of self satisfaction which won't last.
Every time when you achieve something in this world,
the mind is filled with joy or satisfaction.

But after some time, you feel that
there is still a vacuum in the mind.
You are not content with these achievements.
It is but human nature to seek more and more.
It is not satiated with few crumbs.
Why and what is the reason?
We are the Self and thus we are Joy.

But why we are desperate when we are the "Whole".
This is the reason for the misunderstanding.
We falsely assume we are separate from
the "Whole" and we are the individual.

"You are the Universal Spirit.
You falsely assume yourself as a body with a label,
an individualized mind etc. Hence the separateness
causes concern and anxiety in you.
You are not separated from the "Whole".
You assume you are separated.
That is the tragedy.

Thus we are labeled as "miserable little prison individuality" .
Hence we should abandon this "individuality" and feel akine cosmic Self.

from a divine source

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