
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Be happy, be light-hearted!- a spiritual advise.. [part 2]

6. Do not get attached to the one type of work. The course eventually will change. Be prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you calm and peaceful.

7. The results of work are not in what you gain from it, but what you become during its course. Even if the work has given you plentiful worldly gains but has taken you away from you the ability to be light hearted then that work has no worth.

8. You feel dejected easily when work takes its own turns. That dejection comes as a result of what you thought that work might be. Wait! Strengthen your self with values. Mould your character with righteousness. Place your fears at the feet of God and carry with you His Grace. Then you will laugh at your own dejection. The dejection was never the fear of work but it was you fearing yourself and taking that fearful self to face work.

Be happy! Be light hearted! With tension you not only bind yourself but also the attitude with which you can see and handle work!

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